Jamuna Kaur Jamuna Kaur

Why You Need WILD Embodiment In Your Life

  1. Wild Embodiment is for everyone, but I believe it is especially for you - dear friend. I had a powerful experience with WILD in the fall of 2022, after dealing with some pretty serious mental health challenges related to both anxiety and depression. I came into the space seeking a renewal of my life’s direction, and the call was definitely heard. The deepest truth revealed to me was my desire to sing and share songs as part of my creative and artistic path. I’m not sure I would have recognized that calling without the journey and ritual of Wild last year. I was also able to facilitate a new version of my offering - Movement For Manifesting - as a guest instructor at the end of our time together which really brought the experience full circle for me. I had gained my confidence back, big time. And I know it can provide a powerful awakening for you too.

  2. Below is a simple list of the what you will gain from Wild:

  • 1. Community - the container is held by a powerful group of facilitators, mentors, and fellow students who are not afraid to hold one another in our deepest desires and truths. We use the space to identify what we are struggling with in our lives, and then alchemize those feelings and situations into power. A power that supports us in moving through our fears, challenges and obstacles - a power that lives within us, that can be activated at any time. We just need the right tools…

  • 2. Tools - the tools you will receive in this sacred container are powerful, and you will be able to return to them throughout your life.

    • - movement - the body is the basis for our exploration, the house of the soul.

    • - visionary artworks - explore your subconscious, the waking dream.

    • - written reflection - explore what your heart has to say, your truth.

    • - voice - find and release energy through sound, words, and even song if you feel called to it.

  • 3. Ritual Space - the process of W.E. leads up to a personalized ritual of your own design. This process is free of religious denomination or expectation, but reflects precisely what you intend to transform in your life. This is the kind of healing space so many of us are seeking at this transformational time in human history, but it can be rare to find. If you feel called to the sacred space, this is definitely for you.

  • 4. Flexibility - the sessions are both live and recorded, so you can join in a way that works for your schedule. If you need to miss a session, you can. If you want to take the course at your own pace, that works too!

  • 5. Continued Support - you will have lifetime access to the course, and will be able to join future cohorts as a mentor. Each season, you will be able to address new challenges alongside sacred community. You will also have access to the private community on Mighty Networks where you can share updates and truths with your fellow cohort and W.E. community members.

Wild Embodiment is an offering created by my dear friend and talented embodiment facilitator Hayley Shannon. With the trail guide she has built, we will be able to dive to the depths together and return to the surface stronger, and ready to take on whatever life may throw in our direction. I recently learned of the idea to “turn poison into medicine,” while reading Tina Turner’s book - and this course will help you to do just that.

If you are ready to commit to the journey with us, starting Friday October 6, 2023 I will be so honored and excited to support you as a mentor along the way. You can use the code JAM15 to receive a 15% discount on your tuition. Register here! I am a proud affiliate of this course, because I truly believe in the power of sharing sacred space in community. We are so much more powerful than we allow ourselves to acknowledge. This is the place for you to let your wild nature shine through - and let your heart share it’s deepest truths.

I hope to see you there, and please reach out if you have any questions - my door is open.

With love and excitement,

Jamuna Kaur

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