Embodied artist, storyteller, and model.

I choose to work and collaborate with brands and organizations that are rooted in equity for people and planet.

I’m confident working in front of the camera or behind the lens, and am interested in collaborating creatively on projects and campaigns as a featured artist, movement director/choreographer or creative consultant.


The Crone - movement film

Featuring Jamuna Kaur, original concept, performance, movement direction & voice over.

Director of Photography: Andrew Imanaka

Co-Director & Editor: Avi Loud

Original Music: Eli Hetrik & Satnam Ramgotra

Featuring excerpts from “Motherpeace” by Vicki Noble

Eileen Fisher ReNew Spring 2021 Campaign

Eileen Fisher ReNew Spring 2021 Campaign

Magazine of Glamorous Refusal, 2018

Magazine of Glamorous Refusal, 2018

Anti Social Magazine 2020

Anti Social Magazine 2020

Collaboration with Avi Loud 2017

Collaboration with Avi Loud 2017


Little Wins, “Metal, Let Me Into Your Heart” Music Video 2018


Photo by Avi Loud

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Farm Party Choreography 2019

Farm Party Choreography 2019

Featured in album artwork for Sol’s single “Marathons”, 2017

Featured in album artwork for Sol’s single “Marathons”, 2017

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Poster for live performance with Taylar Elizza Beth, 2017

Poster for live performance with Taylar Elizza Beth, 2017

Portfolio Photoshoot for Steffi Pheng, 2018

Portfolio Photoshoot for Steffi Pheng, 2018